The movie follows a frustrated Manhattan mom (former book author) who just wants ten minutes to write a blog to submit for a contest with hopes of winning a job as a contributing writer. She finds herself getting caught up in chores, grocery shopping, dropping off something to her daughter's class - you know, being a mom! Of course, it's a movie so other not so everyday real life things occur but overall, I can't find myself sympathizing with this woman who misses her pre-stretch mark and sippy cup days. Welcome to "motherhood!" I was, however, inspired to write this blog so I guess that hour and a half wasn't a complete loss. When this movie came out in theaters for five minutes last year (surprisingly enough it was not straight to DVD), Parenting magazine ran their own writing contest. Naturally, I wanted to enter being the passionate writer that I am. I'm sure you're wondering where I miraculously found five minutes to write an essay considering that I'm a M-O-M (gasp). Well, for one thing, I wrote the essay when I was in possession of one less child and I likely wrote it with a sleeping child in my lap. The contest stipulated a 300 word essay describing what motherhood means to you (me). Easy enough, right? I had a harder time figuring out an appropriate picture to include (also a requirement) to portray your theme.
In relation to the title of this blog, here is the good (in fact, great) part of motherhood as described in the piece that I sent to Parenting for the contest.
R’s mom. Suddenly, it seemed I was no longer Jessica but rather mother of R. Although it may appear I had lost my identity, the truth was that becoming a mother to this extraordinary girl helped me to find myself more than I could’ve imagined. Motherhood to me equals fulfillment, growth and purpose. As early as I can recall, being a mommy was all that mattered. I had other aspirations but soon determined becoming a parent would be the most rewarding and worthwhile accomplishment that I could make in my life.
Since her birth, seeing R reach daily milestones has brought an enriching fulfillment to my soul. Each day I witness discovery and exploration through her innocent eyes and it reminds me to appreciate the little things and life’s precious moments.
Watching R blossom before me inspires me to grow into the woman and mother she deserves – one that she can respect, admire and aspire to be like someday. My heart has expanded to make room for the overwhelming amount of love that I feel.
Many believe their purpose is to change the world. I believe being a parent can change the world, maybe not everyone’s world but certainly your own and that of your child. I have the opportunity to shape R in both significant and insignificant ways whether teaching her a lesson on inner beauty or showing her how to apply makeup (someday). Being her mother and making even a small impact on who she becomes gives me reason.
Motherhood means everything to me and has not changed my individuality. Instead, R is an extension of me; in fact, she is truly the best part of who I am. Now expecting my second daughter, I am excited to start the cycle again while still evolving as R’s mom.
There you have it - the joys and blessings of being a mother. Now, of course, I have two beautiful girls who are my all and bring such definition to my being. That does not mean that there aren't bad moments when I too reminisce on those days when I could sleep until noon or hop in the car to take a road trip on a whim. The "bad" (and it's not really bad - more so hard and less than enlightening) means picking up toys over and over and over again, wiping tushies over and over and over again, saying "no...NOOOOOO" over and over and over again after each breath when the three year old wants candy for dinner or when the 10 month old repeatedly tries to pull a cord out of the electrical socket. Not to mention the way your heart stops when you hear your 10 month old gagging on a Puff or when you lose sight of your three year old in Target for two minutes. Times like that certainly put into question the wonder and amazement of parenting. Thankfully, the good certainly outweighs the bad. Love certainly conquers all in relation to motherhood - that's why they call it unconditional. The moment you hear the breathtaking, melodic sounds of your baby's cries as they enter the world - your life changes for the better and although you may at times question what you got yourself into, there are no regrets.Well, that's not completely true. I have one regret. I totally should have used that 90 minutes today to do something more constructive today versus suffering through the bad acting that is Uma Thurman, ergo the ugly part of this blog. The day wasn't a complete waste - I spent one on one time with kids and that is (in the words of Miley Cyrus) pretty cool!
By the way, in case you were wondering what the picture looked like that I submitted for the Parenting contest (and shockingly I know, I didn't win) - here it is:
By the way, R's name is on the blanket in the background so that explains the heart (blocking it out). Unfortunately, I don't have any fancy photo editing software - just Paint, ha!!